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Author: unteseditor

 Isıtma, iklimlendirme, soğutma ve havalandırma cihazlarının üretiminde faaliyet gösteren Üntes doğaya, havaya, suya, toprağa ve yaşayan canlı varlıklara verilen zararı minimum seviyede tutma amacını benimsemektedir, Üretim süreçleri esnasında salınan veya salınabilecek olan katı / sıvı / gaz atıkları kontrol edecek ve etkin bir

We won the first prize in the category of "The Company That Exports the Most of Water Chillers", given by the Turkish HVAC&R Exporters Association (ISIB) within the scope of the 2019 Successful Exporters Awards!Many thanks to everyone who contributed

Following our FullPOWER VFD Series Inverter Compressor Chillers, Z-FLOW HE series water cooled condenser water chillers also added to the product range of ÜNTES.In addition to the air cooled condenser products, which we continue to produce successfully in ÜNTES Ankara

Nowadays, when the fight against the virus is of great importance, the importance of air handling units used in the ventilation of hygienic spaces has become even more important. Ventilation systems operated in centres such as hospitals, drug production facilities